Diablo 3 crusader art
Diablo 3 crusader art

  • When the crusaders had learned all they could, Akkhan sent them out into the world, seeking a way to cleanse the corruption that coiled at the heart of the Zakarum faith.
  • But these recruits, these crusaders, were given insight into the primal powers of Zakarum, in a way no paladin ever was. He taught them to channel the power of Light, in the same way that the newly founded paladins were being trained.
  • Akkhan gathered the most devout, driven and martial Zakarum adherents.
  • After much prayer, Akkhan hit upon the idea of an order of crusaders. He knew this corruption would eventually destroy his beloved church and that he must take action.
  • My studies indicate that a high level cleric of the Zakarum named Akkhan began to sense the corruption that was eating away at the heart of his faith.
  • But these crusaders went east on a very different mission. While the natives were most reticent, I was able to deduce that this order was founded two hundred years ago, just as Rakkis took his army of paladins west.
  • In the eastern kingdom of Kehjistan, I heard rumors of Zakarum warriors called crusaders.
  • It can only be found in Reaper of Souls, and drops randomly from any monster or object in any Act.

    diablo 3 crusader art

    The Crusaders is a nine-part tome in Diablo III.

    Diablo 3 crusader art