Drunk drivers killed two to four times
Drunk drivers killed two to four times

drunk drivers killed two to four times drunk drivers killed two to four times

Information regarding these activities can be found at the following website:ġ.3 Canada’s Road Safety Strategy (RSS) 2015 The year includes the launch of the RSS 2015 and the United Nations’ Decade of Action, the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference, and the 4th annual National Day of Remembrance for Road Crash Victims in November, as well as jurisdictionally and organizationally specific programs. RSS 2015 is the third in a series of national road safety programs, the first being Road Safety Vision 2001, followed by Road Safety Vision 2010. #Drunk drivers killed two to four times more than agrresive series Both of these programs were associated with reductions in the number of fatalities and serious injuries resulting from road collisions in Canada. In 2008, Canada was ranked 10th in terms of fatalities per billion vehicle kilometers traveled compared to other member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, as shown in Figure 1.įigure 1: Canada’s 2008 Road Safety Ranking Among OECD Member Countries The vision of RSS 2015 is as before in trying to make Canada’s roads the safest in the world. #Drunk drivers killed two to four times more than agrresive series.#Drunk drivers killed two to four times more than agrresive full.#Drunk drivers killed two to four times more than agrresive driver.

Drunk drivers killed two to four times